Monday 6 July 2015

Social media

Hi everyone!

Sorry I've been so distant and inactive recently, I just lost motivation with my writing my blog, but I've decided that I want to try and get back into it again.

So today I was going through my Instagram and it got me thinking about the pro's and con's of social media. There are so many different social media platforms these days and many people dont realise what it's doing to us. In this day and age, almost everyone is on social media, in one way or another. It could be twitter, a Facebook account, some form of instant chat messaging, Instagram, YouTube, blogging, the list is endless! Now all these different things that we have can be great for promoting yourself or a business, and are very convenient for talking to your friends whenever you want to as well. But what people dont always realise, is that they are also very bad for us.

Whenever we post something online, whether it's a comment, photo, or a status, someone will see it. Whoever the people are that see it, they could be someone that you know, or someone that you have never met or heard of, or they could be someone who is well known, and possibly famous. Out of all the people that view our posts, some may like it, leave a comment, or start following you.

The reason I'm writing about this is because we all have started to measure ourselves and our lives on the number of likes and comments we get on photo's and statuses, which is actually just silly, and not right. For example, if you post a selfie on Instagram which you think you look good in, then great, it's good that you've taken a photo that makes you feel good about yourself and that you're confident enough to share it with others. But if when you post it, you dont get many likes on it, or no likes on it at all, many of us get disheartened just because other people dont like the photo. I myself am guilty of this and I know if I post a photo that doesn't get many likes, I'm tempted to delete it just because it has a lower number, which is wrong.

We shouldn't want to take the photo down, or feel less good or confident about ourselves just because others dont think it looks as good as we think it looks. If you take a selfie and you look at it and think 'you know what, I look pretty in this, I'm gonna post it on Instagram,' then go post it on Instagram! Don't let other people bring down your confidence, just because they dont like your photo, because at the end of the day, not all of your friends/followers will like everyone of your photos, so dont let a number bring you down, because it's just a number.

I think I've rambled enough now, so I'll see you next time, Amber x