Wednesday 3 February 2016

Valentine's Day Outfit Ideas

Hi Everyone!

So as it is now February, I think it's officially appropriate to start posting about Valentines Day. I love Valentines day because it's another excuse I can use to ask my boyfriend for things, (mainly clothes) that I have been eyeing up recently. No, in all seriousness I do love to spend money on him rather than myself, so this day gives me an excuse to buy him things and he can't complain about me doing it because it's for an occasion. However, the main reason I love this day is because I love having any reason possible to be all girly and get dressed up to go out somewhere nice in the evening for dinner and drinks, so I thought that I would write a post about my favourite Valentines Day outfit ideas :) 

All of these outfits will be from Boohoo, which I'm sure you've all heard of, and I will link all the products at the bottom of the post so that you can also go and buy them if this post gives you some outfit inspiration. 


I'm in love with all of these outfits and I dont know how I'm going to pick what to wear on the day! Thank you for reading my blog, hopefully this has given you some style inspiration, please feel free to share this with your friends and follow me on Instagram which is @amber_rosee97

See you next time, Amber x